Concept and Its Application to Foreign Language Classroom
Oleh:Rita Erlinda*
the implemetation of KBK and KTSP, the goals of teaching English at schools are
emphasized on the mastery of four language competences-linguistic, strategic,
sociolinguistic and actional-which will lead to the mastery of discourse
competence. Those competences are realized in for language skills (listening,
speaking, reading and writing) through the analysis of texts (genres). Therefore,
one of the approaches to facilitate the accomplishment of the goals is
Genre-based Instruction (GBI). This approach is mainly a language teaching
program which is based upon Genre Analysis Technique. This technique deals with
anaysing text, both spoken and written, in order to figure out social or
commnicative functions, genre structures, lexico-grammatical features of
particular genres. Consequently, the learners are able to use the language for
appropriate situational and cultural contexts.
Words: genre, genre
analysis, genre-based instruction (GBI), foreign language classroom, functional
ompetency-based curriculum, known as Kurikulum
Berbasis Kompetensi (KBK), and content-based curriculum, called as Kurikulum
Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP), focus on students’ gaining in certain
competencies, (Mulyasa, 2003: 39). Dealing with this issue, foreign language curriculum
should consider students’ ability to use language properly in a communicative
event both situational and cultural contexts since it is influenced by many
factors such as topic to be communicated, the discourse participants, and
register used in both contexts. Moreover, the curriculum should emphasize to enable
the students to gain for four language compe-tences— linguistic competence,
socio-linguistic competence, actional compe-tence, and strategic competence.
These four competences then are poured in discourse competence. Pusat Kuri-kulum,
Balitbang Depdiknas, (2003) claims that discourse competence can be defined as learner’s
competence to use language properly in a communi-cative event both in spoken
and written forms.
In order to develop the
discourse competence as the target of foreign language learning, teachers
should have clear guidance of how to conduct their teaching in the classroom. To
do this well, foreign language learning should use analysis of genres or kinds
of text as basis of foreign language learning.
There are various genres that
can be used to achieve standard of competency for English at senior high school
level, such as descriptive, nar-rative, spoof/recount, procedure, report, news
item, anecdotes, exposition, ex-planation, discussion, commentary, and review. Analyzing
these various genres can enable the students to understand and express interpersonal,
ideational, and textual meaning in both interaction and monologue, Pusat
Kurikulum, Balitbang Depdiknas (2003). The results from analyzing a genre serve
as the instructional materials in GBI.
Genre-based Instruction (GBI) is based on the result
of genre analysis. There are three characteristics of Genre-based Instruction
(GBI)—social, ge-neric structure, and lexico-grammatical fea-tures. First,
examine the structural pat-tern of a certain text or genre to achieve the
communicative purpose and the roles of the writer and the audience of the
target text or genre, and the context in which the genre is used (social
function). Second, examine the particular linguistic features in a specific text
or genre (generic struc-ture). Third, examine lexico-gram-matical features of a
spe-cific genre to identify the linguistic features chosen in a specific genre
(lexico-grammatical features). Other considerations in genre analysis include
the communicative purpose of the target genre.
In applying GBI, grammar is not taught in isolation
from the commu-nicative functions of the language. It is taught by analyzing
the lexico-grammatical features of the target genre. It is neither taught as an
end in itself, nor as the central focus of instruction, but as a means to an
end-- achieving the social purposes of the genre that is the overarching focus
of teaching. The genre-based material views grammatical form as intrinsically
linked to commu-nicative function, and seeks to help students understand the
links between particular aspects of English grammar and their functions. This
differs from traditional forms of grammar instructi-on. In conclusion, GBI
offers grammar instruction as an integral part of the teaching of foreign
language through analysis of genres.
Consequently, this article aims to answer
the following questions:
What is Genre?
What is Genre Analysis?
What is the relevance of genre in foreign language
What is Genre-based Instruction?
What is the position of Grammar in GBI?
How GBI can be applied in foreign language classroom?
The word genre
comes from the French (and originally Latin) word for 'kind' or 'class'. The
term is widely used in rhetoric, literary theory, media theory, and more
recently linguistics, to refer to a distinctive type of text, (Chandler in Bradford-Watts, 2001). According
to Swales (1990), a genre comprises a class of communicative events, the
members of which share some set of commu-nicative purposes. His definition offers the basic idea that there are
certain conventions or rules which are generally associated with a writer’s
purposes. For example, personal letters tell us about (their writers’) private
stories, film reviews analyze movies for potential viewers, and police reports
describe what happened. Most genres use conven-tions related to communicative
pur-poses, for example, argumentative essay em-phasizes its thesis. It aims at
making an argument.
Related to the definition of genre, Bradford-Watts (2001)
describes the following illustration: “everyone en-gages in a social or
communicative event. If, for example, you go shopping for shoes, you will
expect the interaction to be fairly consistent with your past experiences of
shopping for shoes. You will expect some kind of acknow-ledgement or greeting,
to have your questions answered about availability of your size and preferred
color, to be told the price, and finally to be thanked for your business. Not
all of these may occur (you may find the perfect size and color immediately and
not need to ask any questions), and they may not occur in this order. If,
however, you go shopp-ing for a car, you would expect this service encounter to
be somewhat more complex, involving explanations of fea-tures and add-ons, as
well as financing options.”
In the shoe-shopping example above, your expectations are
determined by your wanting to procure shoes (pur-pose) in the year 2000 AD
(rather than in the years 1500 BC, 1945 AD, or 3000 AD), in Thailand (rather
than Bali, Hong Kong, or Tehran), in a shop with a shop assistant (rather than
a supermarket with a checkout, for example). If you change any of these
conditions, the interaction between you and the person from whom you wish to
procure the shoes would change--the text produced would be different.
This is similar for written texts: love letters to your
life partner, adver-tisements for local plumbers, posted lists of rules for the
use of the gym, essays, newspaper editorials, obituaries, and doctoral theses.
Each of these examples is written at a time, in a place, for a purpose, by one
or more writers for a defined reader.
above illustration is supported by Gerot and Wignell (1995). They state,“a
genre can be defined a culturally specific text type which result from using
language (written or spoken) to (help) accomplish something.” To understand
this definition deeply, they give an example of what is called as a genre.
Think, for example, of a typical doctor-patient consultation. This consul-tation
has a purpose. It takes place through a series of stages, and uses language in
particular ways. So, there is usually some sort of greeting; an invita-tion
from the doctor for the patient to describe symptoms; an examination, during
which doctor tells the patient what to do and maybe why. Then the doctor tells
the patient what the problem is, if known, and how it will be treated. If not
known, the doctor explains that a referral is necessary. The consultation
closes with some kind of leave-taking. This is how it is done in an
English-speaking culture. So, genres are culture specific; and have associated
with them. They are (1) particular purpose, (2) particular stages, and (3)
particular linguistic features.”
the description above, it can be concluded that genre refers to the distinctive
type of text both in verbal (spoken) and written form. It is a communicative
event that occurs at a particular time in a particular place and between
particular people for a particular communicative purpose. Therefore, each genre
uses particular stages (structural features) and linguistic features
(lexico-gramatical features).
Genre analysis
is a developing multi-disciplinary approach to the study of texts, both verbal
and written forms. Genre analysis is a tool to examine the communicative
purpose (social func-tion), linguistic features, and lexico-grammatical
features of a target genre. In short, genre analysts look for the com-mon
patterns of grammar usage, key vo-cabulary, and text structure in particular
text types, Bradford-Watt (2001).
There are many examples of genre analysis. Bhatia (1993)
analyses a wide range of written texts, including sales promotion letters, job
applications, research article abstracts, introductory in student academic
writings, legislative provisions, and legal cases. McCarthy (2000) describes
close-contact verbal encounters at a hairdresser's. Kuiper and Flindall (2000)
discuss the role of small talk and where it is situated in the service
encounter genre at the super-market in New Zealand. Several recent studies
are concerned, for example, with the developing genres of the Internet.
Giordano in Bardford-Watts (2001) discusses genres developing in chat rooms and
discussion groups. Bradford-Watts (2001) analyses online movie reviews and
email confirmations of online orders. Both document the deve-lopment of new
genres. It is important to note that genres are not fixed. They change over
time, reflecting changes in society.
(2001) states, "The notion of genre …provides a basis for extending
current syllabus models, as well as for selecting and sequencing syllabus items
and, in turn, focusing on them in the language learning class-room", since
it incorporates vocabulary and grammatical structures that are typically associated
with functional-notional approaches to syllabus design; a focus on situation,
social activities, and topic that derives from situational and content-based
syllabuses; and a focus on specific language learning tasks and activities that
draws from task-based and procedural approaches to language teaching and
In other words, using genre as a starting point in
curriculum design by listing genres necessary for student understanding within
a context--typical in content-based curricula--allows the teacher to (a)
collect real samples of appropriate texts, (b) design activities to foster
understanding of the genre, (c) draw attention to key vocabulary and
grammatical structures associated with that genre, and (d) demonstrate to the
students how these interact with the who, what, where, when, how, and why of
the text in terms of situation and context, allowing the relationship between
culture and language to be directly addressed. Tasks give students the
opportunity to experiment with the gen-re, manipulating their texts to accom-modate
changes which can be expected to occur with variation of contextual factors.
Tasks also give teachers an opportunity to monitor students and take advantage
of teachable moments that arise to increase student awareness of sociocultural
factors which affect choice of form within the context. A genre-based course
is, essentially, an outcome-based course, with the aim being explicit student
awareness of and proficiency in the target genres. It allows teachers to focus
on both form and meaning, as well as how meanings are made.
An important reason to consider genre-based instruction is
that of em-powerment: If students are able to understand, access and manipulate
gen-res, they acquire "cultural capital" (Hammond & Mackin-Horarick,
1999, in Paltridge, 2001). Not teaching this explicitly denies students the
means to participate in and challenge the cultures of power they will encounter
when interacting with members of the target culture.
Basically, Genre-based Instruct-ion
(GBI) is teaching language based on results of genre analysis. As stated above,
genre analysis is the study of how language is used within a particular setting
and is concerned with the form of language use in relation to meaning, Swales
(1990). Bhatia (1993) states that genre
analysis is a tool (1) to examine the structural organisation of texts by
identifying the moves and strategies, and to understand how these moves are
organised in order to achieve the com-municative purpose of the text. Genre
analysis also (2) examines the text patterning or textualisation in genres to
show statistical evidence of a particular linguistic feature in a specific
genre and the specific features of the genre that the evidence textualises.
Finally genre analysis (3) examines the lexico-grammatical features of genres
to iden-tify the linguistic features chosen by expert users of the genre to
realize the communicative purpose, and to explain these choices in terms of
social and psychological contexts. Other considera-tions in genre analysis
include the communicative purpose of the target genre, the roles of the writer
and the audience, and the context in which the genre is used. The results from
analyzing a genre serve as the instructional mate-rials in GBI.
Gerot and
Wignell (1995) claim that the notion ‘genre’ and ‘grammar’ are closely linked.
Consequently, gram-mar instruction is an integral part of the teaching of the
genre. The grammar instruction not only is explicit, but also involves some
degree of student analysis. Grammar is not taught in iso-lation from the
communicative functions of the language. It is also neither taught as an end in
itself, nor as the central focus of instruction, but as a means to an end--
achieving the social purposes of the genre that is the overarching focus of
genre-based material views grammatical form as intrinsically linked to
communicative function, and seeks to help students understand the links between
particular aspects of English grammar and their functions. Moreover, the focus of
grammar does not remain focused at sentence level, but moves beyond to how
sentence-level patterns fit into natural whole texts in commu-nication. In all
these senses, the teaching of grammar is 'functional'.
approach to grammar as ‘functional’ is influenced by the sys-temic functional
linguistics of Michael Halliday (1985). Her theory sees language as a system of
resources for making meaning in context. Thus, the grammar of a language, or
what systemic functional linguists call the 'lexico-grammar', is seen not
merely as a set of rules or patterns of syntax, but a set of agreed-on
conventions intimately related to possible meanings, deter-mined by contexts
of situation embedded in contexts of culture in which language is
the materials of genres in GBI, lexico-grammatical features are pro-vided.
Lexico-gramatical features of various genres are integral to those genres, for
it is through the lexico-grammatical choices that meaning is built up in a
text. Different genres deploy the resources for meaning-making through grammar
in different ways. For example, Recounts, which retell an event, tend to use
past tense, Material Processes, and particular parti-cipants. On the other
hands, the purpose of Report is to describe the way things are in the world,
and so they tend to use Relational Processes and generic parti-cipants.
Students are taught these features and a language for talking about language (a
metalanguage) in the context of learning how these features contribute to the
overall meaning of texts they are reading or writing.
Swales (1990) notes that there
is a curriculum cycle in Genre-based Instruction (GBI). It consists of four stages. They are (1)
content exploration, (2) text exploration, (3) joint cons-truction, and (4) individual
application, as follows:
Figure 1: The Curriculum Cycle in GBI
The first stage is Context
Exploration. 'Context' refers to the possible contexts of situation in
which the chosen text-type or genre may be used. This phase resembles the
pre-listening/reading/speaking/writing phase that has come to be typical in
commu-nicative language teaching, and the activities that may be carried out do
indeed resemble typical pre-activities in skills-based teaching. One primary
aim of this phase is to help students to become aware of and understand the
social purpose of the chosen genre, as well as other contextual factors
influenc-ing the production of the texts that they will examine as models, and
the texts that they may be required to produce in speech or writing. Another
important aim of the context exploration phase, from the teacher's point of
view, is to establish the learners' 'actual develop-ment' or starting point.
next stage is text exploration. The aims of this phase are to
familiarize the learners with the target text-type or genre, and to draw
attention to organi-zational and linguistic features common-ly found in texts
belonging to it. Model texts play a crucial role in this phase. Model text
is called object-regulation. Analyzing such model texts, pedagogical activities
to make explicit the features of the text-type are carried out. These may
include a gamut of established 'commu-nicative' activities, such as the
re-assem-bling of 'jigsaw' texts or information gap exercises, but the tasks
are deliberately constructed in such a way as to highlight the salient lexical
and grammatical features. Thus, the tasks aim to be at least implicitly
'analytical' in nature, and not just to facilitate interaction as an end in
itself. Of course, more explicitly analytical work is also possible: for
example, students may be asked to 'hunt' for and highlight all instances of a
specific grammatical form. Direct teach-ing by the instructor is also an
option, in order to make the features obvious to the learners. How the formal
features work to help the text-type or genre achieve its purposes are also
discussed or explored, the teacher playing a key role in others-regulation
throughout this phase.
continues and takes centre-stage in the next stage, joint construction,
as the third phase. Here, referring to the model text or texts, and making use
of the knowledge and awareness gained from the exploration of the text, the
students work with the teacher to construct their own texts (spoken or written)
in the text-type or genre (or, in the case of listening and reading, to
construct an understanding of the new text). This can take forms varying
from teacher-fronted whole-class co-construction of a single text on the board,
to small-group or pair construction with the teacher helping each group or pair
by turn, to teacher conferencing with individual students. In the case of
writing, as with process approaches, the texts may go through a few rounds of drafting,
editing, and re-drafting. The model texts continue to provide
object-regulation, while others-regulation comes from not only the teacher but
also from other students, as more expert peers guide others, or as students
refer each other to features in the models, and to points raised in the text
exploration stage.
is to be noted in both the text exploration and joint construction phases is
that while there is much oral interaction taking place, its nature and
intention is different from that of most forms of communicative language teach-ing.
Where the interactive activities in the latter are often designed to simulate
real life interaction, directed at providing opportunities for talking in
the language, the talk here is about using language, and is focused on a
collaborative effort to learn to accomplish a purpose in the language.
last stage in the Cycle is individual application. As the name
suggests, it requires learners to work individually and independently, for
example, in the case of writing, to produce individual essays. Ideally, this is
carried out only after the students have successfully produced a jointly con-structed
text or understanding of a text. This phase then provides the opportunity for self-regulation.
What each learner produces can, of course, be further re-cycled through further
others-regulation (e.g. peer editing, teacher feedback), until the learner
attains a desired level of attainment.
In the following, there is a
small example how to apply GBI in the class-room. Report text entitled “Wombat”
is as material for teaching writing skill.
Wombats are mammals. There are two kinds of wombat. There
is the common wombat and the hairy nosed wombat.
Wombats are brown. They are covered in fur to keep them
warm. Wombats have small legs and big bodies. Wombats can grow up to 4 feet
long. They can weigh up to 15 kilos and 37.5 kilos
The common wombat lives in coastal forest. Wombats live in
grassy areas so they can feed on grass. Wombats live in holes called burrows.
Wombats tend to sleep all day and be active during the
night. Wombat feed on grass, small bushes and root.
Recall that
genres are staged, goal-directed, and purposeful. Thus for any given text, we
can ask: (1) what is its so-cial purpose or function or goal? (2) through what
stages does it achieve that goal (generic structure)?, and (3) what
lexico-grammatical and discourse choices are involved in the above? The three
important aspects or characteristics of Report text (genre) can be concluded in
the following table:
To describe the way things
are, with reference to a range of natural, man made and social phenomena in
our environment
- parts
- qualities
- habit
- Focus on generic participants
- Use of Relational Processes
- Use of Simple Present Tense
- No Temporal sequence
Table 1: Characteristics of
Report Text (Genre)
Now, let’s apply GBI in the foreign language
classroom according to the above cycles:
The first stage; Context
On this stage, the teacher
tries to explore possible contexts (situational and cultural) related to the
text “wombat”. This stage resembles pre-teaching activities. The aim of this
stage is to help the students become aware of and understand the social purpose
of Report genre. As stated above, the social function of text “Wombat” is to
describe the way wombat are, with reference to its appearance, habit and
behavior. In this case, the teachers follow the following steps, namely:
The teacher shows the picture of wombat to the
The teacher inform students the social purpose of
Report text
The teacher asks some questions to students related the
characteristics of wombat
The teacher develop students vocabulary related to
“wombat life”
The second stage; Text
On this stage, the teacher
tries to familiarize the learners with the Report text, as target text-type or
genre. The teacher can use the following the steps, namely:
The teachers draw learners’ attention to generic
structure commonly found in Report text. As stated above, report genre consists
of general classifica-tion-- tells what phenomena under discussion is and
description--.tells what the phenomena under discussion is like in terms of
parts (and their function), qualities, and habits of behaviors if living; uses,
if non-natural. In familiarize students with its generic structure, the teacher
divide the report text, “Wombat” into several parts based on its generic
- The
first paragraph is the general classification of wombat.
- The
second paragraph is the description of wombat appear-ance
- The
third paragraph is the description of wombat habitat
- The
fourth paragraph is the description of wombat behaviors
The teachers divide the students into four Jigsaw
groups. Each group will discuss different paragraph to obtain its generic
The teachers draw learners’ attention to linguistic
features (lexico-gramma-tical features) commonly found in Report text by
underlining or highlighting them to make the features are more obvious to the
learners. For example, Relational processes are
The third stage: Joint
stage aims at exploring Report text as model text to the students. In this
case, the teachers guide the students to understand the text and see the
features of Report text are more obvious. To do this well, the teachers can use
the following ways:
The teachers ask each group to present the generic
structure of each paragraph: the description of wombat appearance, habit, and
The class discusses the generic structures of the whole
text, “Wombat” until the students get the regulation from “Wombat” as model
The teachers conclude the generic structure of “Wombat”
as model of report text.
The fourth stage: Individual Explo-ration
stage requires learners to work individually and independently. The learners
write another report text by applying its generic structure and considering
linguistic features of report text. The learners can be successful to write new
text after they have been successfully produced a jointly con-structed text or
understanding the text. To do this well, the teacher can follow the steps
The teachers ask the students to choose an object to be
described and reported.
The students identify the charac-teristics of the
chosen object.
The students individually write a new report text by
applying the regulation studied from the model text given.
Instruction (GBI) is teaching language based on results of genre analysis both
in spoken and written form. Specifically, genre analysis is a tool to examine
(1) the structural organization of text by identifying the moves and
strategies, and to understand how these moves are organized in order to achieve
the communicative purpose of the text; (2) the text patterning or
textualization in genre to show a parti-cular linguistic feature; (3) the
lexico-grammatical features to identify
the linguistic features chosen by expert users of the genre to realise the
commu-nicative purpose, and to explain these choices in terms of social and
psycho-logical contexts; and (4) the commu-nicative purpose of the target
genre, the roles of the writer and the audience, and the context in which the
genre is used.
There are four steps in
applying GBI based on written text analysis in foreign language classroom. They
are (1) context exploration; (2) text explora-tion; (3) joint construction and
(4) indi-vidual application.
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